Twenty six years later and it had never occurred to me that the music may have been released on vinyl. It hadn't even crossed my mind in fact, until this morning that is. Whilst sifting through the 7" soundtrack section at my local Record Shop I stumbled across this little picture sleeve 45. The graphics instantly brought memories flooding back and the vinyl was placed swiftly into the 'definitely buying' pile. Once home, it was the first record out the sleeve and onto the platter. Although the lyrics were changed for this commercial release from 'Kia-Ora' to 'Fedora' the music is still exactly the same and had me nodding my head and singing along like a little kid again.
For all you other thirty-something year olds who have similar fond memories of the little hobo, his lost dog and the cool-as-cat crows, there's a full rip below...
Caramba 'Fedora' (1983 Billco U.K. 45)
Wow - brought back a lot of memories for me, and still sounds fresh today - Cheers
Haha, dope, i loved this too! Great to hear it again... So sick.
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