I'm not gonna bother talking about that record though. As nice as it is, there's nothing particulary out of the ordinary on it. Primo beat with A.Z. on the M.I.C. Straight East Coast banger. What more you need to know?
I did, however, find a couple of very intriguing items which I've never come across before. Tucked inside a little paper bag amongst a box of house-clearance records were these two 'shellac' coated 5" 'singles'. Now, I've seen 5" records before, which, 99% of the time, are Nursery Rhymes pressed on novelty size vinyl for children. I've also had a few shellac 10"s over the years so this was nothing new to me either. My curiosity stemmed from the fact the printed labels also had hand written (in pencil) details, which automatically suggests something quite unique. Usually 'test pressing' or, in some cases, promos will have credits and the like written on the label, but the writing on these appear to be far more personal. The printed design features blank spacing with three categories; 'To', 'From' and 'Regt.No'. Above these categories is the title (or record company name if you will) 'Voices of the Forces'. It then dawned on me just how 'personal' these records actually are, or were.

The two examples I bought today read 'To: Mrs Nicholls, From: Sgt Nicholls' and 'To: Irene, From: Jack'. I much prefer the more heart-felt and intimate addressing of the latter but they could well be to and from the same persons, which seems very likely, as they were both grouped together in the same bag. Unfortunately I am unable to listen to them since they play at 78rpm and the grooves are pretty worn to say the least. The fact that the bronze playing surfaces display considerable signs of wear and tear demonstrates just how cherished and comforting these recordings must have been to their recipients, more than likely being played over and over again. It goes without saying that this was at a time long before skype, video messaging and even email, so to receive a 'letter home' in a more 'physical' type form must have evoked a huge wealth of emotions. I can only imagine how heart breaking it must have felt being miles away from the dearest person to you, at a time of great uncertainty, and not be able touch, see or even speak back to them whilst they speak to you. In fact as I am writing this I've just realised it's probably best I can't play the records anyway. They were obviously only made and intended for the persons closest to them, and to be listening in, no matter how many years later, would be insensitive and an invasion of privacy.

Absolutley nuts - it's like your time machine is working... Super cool - i like this post, interesting work there secret squirrel.
Yes Mr Krum, that's EXACTLY why I read your blog. There is no other mthod of replicating the feeling I get after returning from a bootsale with a load of possibles. Don't get me wrong, I have had times when I buy a dozen or so easy listening style LPs to turn up nothing, and I really mean nothing, not even a single stab or the vaguest sniff of funk.
But when you do... when you do, the rest of the world doesn't exist, it's just your finger hovering over the tone arm as you seek those dark grooves, the more crackly part at the start of the record that gives way to a potential Holy Grail.
There have been times when I have discovered a used break and just can't believe that it was used just as a straight constant loop with no variation, chops or anything, it's rhymed & scratched on & sounds DEF, but that's why we love Hip Hop, simplicity, 2 turntables & a microphone? We're just replicating that with samplers.
I have found breaks on records which have literally made a bit of piss come out, so unbelievably excited... I remember finding the break to Come Clean, I didn't know what the break was called and almost shat myself when the needle hit the wax, cos at the time none of my crew of diggers knew the break and I was on the floor.
Nothing comes close to that feeling of discovering a dope break, or indeed turning someone else's music into a def Hip Hop track enjoyed by others, and inspiring them to dig for the break I USED... and so we come full circle.
I always read your blog, every post, from start to finish, sometimes a couple of times to absorb it. Quality penmanship in this world of internet dross is hard to come by, especially in a niche field like break discovery. If only more people commented and shared stories.
Still, for now, this post has sated my vinyl hunger... until the 2010 boot sales start then... peace, I'm an Audi!
You just perfectly summed up what I try to with posts like this!
Thanks for the comments. I can tell rhat you get the exact same buzz as i do when out diggin, and like you, I've bought many'a interesting looking 'easy' LP only for them to be complete cr*p. It's all worth it when you find that undiscovered gem though.
Good luck at the bootys this summer mate. Hopefully this season's weather will be a bit better than lasts!
Cheers - D
i've got a good number (30 or more?) of these self-recorded records, mostly from the late '40s to early '50s...all of them were thrift store finds. One particularly amazing disc is a 1940s family (audibly under the spell of drink) singing "The Shitting Song"...which i have to assume is their own invention. My plan is to convert my finds to digital very soon & share them.
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